• 2022: The biggest growth in Veganism

    2022: The biggest growth in Veganism

    How and Why was the Vegan Movement so powerful in 2022 In 2022, the vegan movement gained significant traction and demonstrated remarkable influence on a global scale. This surge in popularity and power was driven by a convergence of factors that resonated with a broad spectrum of individuals, transcending dietary choices to encompass ethical, environmental,…

  • 20 vegan athletes around the world

    20 vegan athletes around the world

    Let’s take a look at 20 athletes from sports all over the world! These athletes have not only excelled in their respective sports but have also embraced a vegan lifestyle, showcasing that plant-based diets can provide the necessary nutrition and energy for peak athletic performance. Here’s more information about each of the mentioned vegan athletes:…

  • Mainstream reasons why it’s hard to be Vegan?

    Mainstream reasons why it’s hard to be Vegan?

    Vegan Life isn’t always easy. if you have been a meat eater, your whole life, transitioning to veganism, is not only a drastic change in your ethics and spirituality, but you are truly experiencing a physiological change, because you are drastically changing the foods nutrients and the way your body will digest everything nutrients now…